The quiet heroism of one man, Paul Rusesabagina (Don Checidle), during the Rwandan Genocide. Directed by Irish film maker Terry George, it was produced in 2004 together with Canadian, British, Italian and South African companies, and the first of its kind-produced together with the rival independent film studios, Lions Gate Films and United Artists. It was filmed mainly in South Africa, with a second edition filming in Kigali, which is the capital city of Rwanda.
Hotel Rwanda has been referred to as an African Schindller’s list. Each movie shows one individual who is not perfect-who uses his social position, interpersonal skills, together with quick wit to rescue thousands of lives form a holocaust. Different from its more popular cousin, Hotel Rwanda failed to win any Oscars, though it was chosen for three, including best Actor (Cheadle), best supporting Actress (Sophie Okonedo) and best original screen play.
The make is based on actual events which happened during the genocidal violent acts, which broke out in Rwanda in 1994, between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups, the Hutu military and interahamwe militias put to death approximately one million Tutsis in merely three months. The main culprit is Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), a Hutu who owned the four-star Sabena-owned Hotel des Mille Collines in Kigali.
Amidst the fast de-generating confusion of the genocide, and afraid of losing his wife who was a Tutsi, friends and others, he endeavours to keep his luxury hotel as an oasis from the violent acts, changing it to a refuge for as many individuals as it could hold. The remaining part of the world is shown turning its back Rwanda. A well-intended but rather less-resourced UN peacekeeping commander known as Nick Nolte is unable to put to an end the bloodshed, and baffled at the lack of support or concern from outside countries. The harness and failure to provide answers by the international community and the clamorous terror of the genocidal militias and generals, all totally differ from the humble effective life-saving manipulations of Rusesebagina.